SWARPAnet offerings

Simple things that don't require a login account:

Things you can do with a login account:

Full hosting services:

We already run all of these services for our own use, we enjoy doing it, and we're happy to offer to share them with our friends. However, we do pay for them, so we'll also gladly accept contributions from folks who use them. Our general rule is "pay what you can", so no one should feel obliged to contribute more than they can afford. As a guideline, if you can chip in $20 per year for a login account, that'd be great; for the more advanced hosting services, think between $25 - $50 per year, depending on the complexity and resource usage of the particular services.

If you're interested in setting up any of those things, or in anything that we haven't listed here, just let us know! <sysadmins at swarpa dot net> is the best way to reach us.

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Last updated on 2005-06-24 (Fri) at 13:16 EDT